Job Creation
Sizewell C will deliver immediate and long lasting jobs
65% expect new jobs in their business within a year as a result of the Sizewell C project achieving FID
75% expect these new jobs to last over 4 years as a result of the Sizewell C construction
Sizewell C will pave the way for over 70,000 high-value, long-term jobs, enhancing local economies across the UK. 70% of the project’s contracts go to nearly 4,000 British companies. That equates to over £14bn of investment in the UK economy during Sizewell C’s construction stimulating nationwide economic growth and reinforcing our industrial capabilities.
All of the businesses within the Sizewell C consortium were given the opportunity to provide feedback on their views towards Sizewell C.
Members were invited to complete a short (c.5 minute) survey, which was open for completion between 27th August and 18th September.
We received 98 total responses representing 88 total businesses.
To avoid double counting businesses, where more than one person from an organisation replied to the poll we took an average of their responses.
Therefore, our effective base size is N=88.