Sizewell C Consortium responds to Hitachi’s withdrawal from the Wylfa nuclear project

In response to this morning’s BBC News report detailing Hitachi’s withdrawal from the Wylfa Newydd project on Anglesey, Cameron Gilmour, spokesperson for The Sizewell C Consortium said:

 “This news will have serious ramifications for companies both in Wales and across the UK. The Wylfa nuclear project would have been another important milestone for the UK’s nuclear supply chain and would have created thousands of jobs.  Unless Sizewell C, a replica of the under-construction Hinkley Point C, is given the go-ahead, there is now a serious risk to the future of the UK's civil nuclear construction capability and the tens of thousands of jobs that go with it.”


10,000 Jobs at risk in nuclear sector supply chain without Sizewell C


Local Enterprise Partnerships welcome regional economic boost from nuclear power